Audeara news

John Ross - how Audeara headphones have reconnected him with m...
John Ross is a hearing aid wearer and Cochlear implant recipient, and also the President of CICADA Queensland, a Not For Profit support group for those with a Hearing Loss and Cochlear Implant an...
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Phillip Adams – how our headphones have helped him enjoy TV again
Australian social commentator and broadcaster, Phillip Adams shares his story on how Audeara's headphones have helped him enjoy watching (and hearing) TV again... without subtitles.
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Audeara headphones help deaf music fans hear everything
Audeara CEO Dr James Fielding caught up with Dr Brandon Gien from Good Design Australia on this episode of Australia By Design: Innovations.
Also hear from cochlear recipient Elliot Miller on how...
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Cochlear recipient Claire Cunningham shares her Audeara experi...
Claire is a cochlear implant recipient who uses her Audeara A-01 headphones to get a full musical experience back.
Rediscover the joy of listening to what you love. Try Audeara today, stress-free...
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Tinnitus sufferer Don Betts on using Audeara
Playing in bands for more than 40 years, Don suffers from severe tinnitus and hearing loss in his left and right ears.
“Quite frankly, I was just blown away...this has just changed my aural exp...
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